Navigating Medical Licensing in Qatar with Tadawi Medical Center


Qatar is a country that is rapidly developing, with a growing population and a thriving economy. With this growth comes an increasing demand for high-quality healthcare services, and physicians play a crucial role in meeting this demand. For physicians considering working in Qatar, there are many opportunities to build a rewarding career while experiencing a unique cultural environment.

In this article, we will explore the different challenges and phases of licensing a Physician in Qatar. Physicians can be hired as one of the following and shares some of the licensing process unless otherwise stated:

1. Full Time Physician – Local Hire
2. Full Time Physician – Overseas Hire
3. Visiting Physician

Phases of Recruitment in Tadawi Medical Center

If you are a medical professional looking to work in Qatar, understanding the recruitment process can help you prepare for the job and increase your chances of success. The recruitment process in Qatar generally consists of four phases, each with its own set of requirements and procedures.

Phase 1 – Recruitment & Qualifications Screening

*Submission of Curriculum Vitae and wait for feedback
*Phone Interview & Qualification check
*In person or virtual interview
*Job offer signing

For locally-hired Physicians:

*Licensing transfer for those with a valid QCHP license
*Processing of sponsorship transfer or issuance of labor card

The first phase of recruitment begins with the submission of your CV. Once your application is received, you will need to await feedback from us. This may involve a phone interview and an initial qualification check to assess your eligibility for the position.

If you meet the following criteria, you will be invited for an in-person or video interview.


Criteria for Initial Qualification Check for Physicians:

Category Minimum required years of post-graduate training Minimum required years of experience after post-graduate* DHP licensing qualifying exam
Category 1 Not specified 1 year Not required
Category 2 Not specified 2 years Not required
Category 3 3 years 3 years Required

*The required years of clinical work experience for all the categories must be from one of the following Institutions:

a) Governmental and semi-governmental institutions/hospitals
b) Hospitals the provide Post graduate Training programs (Governmental of Private)

As per the Circular (03-2023) issued by the DHP on 6th March 2023, the practitioners which educational documents are from the following countries will fall under Category 1 and Category 2. They are as follows:


Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
1. Arab Countries (GCC) 1. Arab Countries (Non-GCC) Countries not mentioned in 1 & 2
2. Australia 2. Egypt
3. Austria 3. Greece
4. Belgium 4. Hong Kong
5. Canada 5. India
6. Denmark 6. Japan
7. Finland 7. Korea
8. France 8. Malaysia
9. Germany 9. Singapore
10. Ireland* 10. Turkey
11. Italy
12. Kuwait
13. Netherlands
14. New Zealand
15. Norway
16. Oman
17. Portugal
18. Qatar
19. Saudi Arabia
20. South Africa
21.  Spain
22. Sweden
23. Switzerland
24. United Arab Emirates
25. United Kingdom*
26. United States of America


*Countries with asterisks may fall under Category 1 or 2 depending on the education attained. This will be reviewed by the Medical Licensing Team.

It’s essential to note that the list may be subject to change, and it’s advisable to contact the DHP for the most up-to-date information on the categories of medical licensing in Qatar.

Phase 2 – Primary Source Verification (PSV) Report (Dataflow / Gulf Bridge)

*Documents translation and submission
*Application for PSV Report
*Attestation of Documents

Successful candidates who pass the Interview and Qualifications Check will receive a Job Offer. Accepting the offer starts the second recruitment phase, which includes document submission, PSV application, and document attestation. Primary Source Verification Companies such as Dataflow and Gulf Bridge verify your education and work experience directly with your institution. All documents must be translated to Arabic or English. PSV reports take 1-2 months on average, but may take longer based on your institution’s response rate. Translation and attestation timelines vary depending on country procedures.

Below is the list of required documents for PSV Application:

1. Passport
2. Medical Licenses
3. Certificate of Employment for the past 5 years
4. Certificate of Good Standing
5. Educational Certificates
6. Transcript of Records
7. Surgical Logbook * if applicable

For Physicians under Category 3, this is the best time to prepare and take the Qualifying Exam for Qatar.

Phase 3 – DHP Evaluation

*DHP Evaluation
*Evaluation Report
*Begin Relocation Process for Full Time Physicians
*Begin Licensing for Visiting Physicians

The Department of Healthcare Practitioners (DHP), formerly known as the Qatar Council of Healthcare Practitioners (QCHP), is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing healthcare practitioners in Qatar. It is DHP’s primary responsibility is to ensure that healthcare professionals in Qatar meet the highest standards of competence and ethical conduct. This involves licensing healthcare professionals, setting standards for healthcare practice, and developing policies and regulations to ensure patient safety and the provision of high-quality care.

During the third phase of the recruitment process, the DHP evaluates your credentials to determine your eligibility for licensing in Qatar. The evaluation team assesses your qualifications, experience, and skills against the local licensing requirements, using the PSV Report that has been issued to you. The decision to grant a license to practice in Qatar lies solely with the DHP, and it is not within the purview of Tadawi Medical Center.

Once you receive an evaluation report from the DHP, you may now begin relocation process to Qatar.

Phase 4 – Relocation for Full-Time Physicians

*DHP Licensing

After obtaining an Evaluation Report from DHP, we can apply for your license within six months, requiring a valid Qatar ID. Phase 4 would initiate relocation to the State of Qatar.

Before relocation, you will receive a list of mandatory documents to carry before your departure. These documents are essential to your residency and licensing process. Our team will prepare your work visa and flight to Doha. After arrival, the process of obtaining a Qatar ID will begin, including medicals, Metrash activation, police clearance, employment contract attestation, and QID issuance. Finally, we can apply for your license with DHP.

Phase 5 – Issuance of License for Visiting Physicians

*Medical (Overseas) and attestation of Medical Report
*Application for Permanent QCHP License

On the other hand, Visiting Physicians do not require Qatar ID to be licensed. However, a set of medical tests must be conducted from the residence country and must be attested afterwards.

The Medical Report must consist the following:

*HIV test
*HCV AB test
*HBV Surface Ag
*HBV Surface Ab
*HBV core Ab
*Chest X-Ray

Overall, the recruitment process in Qatar may take some time and effort, but the benefits of working in this dynamic and exciting country can be well worth it. By understanding the phases of recruitment, you can better prepare yourself for the journey ahead and increase your chances of securing a fulfilling and rewarding career in Tadawi Medical Center.

Work Culture in Tadawi Medical Center

At Tadawi Medical Center, we believe that our success is rooted in the expertise and dedication of our staff. That is why we are committed to creating a positive and supportive work environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and innovation. We welcome physicians from all backgrounds and experience levels to join our team and help us continue to provide the highest level of care to our patients.

One of the most noticeable aspects of work culture in Tadawi Medical Center is the emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Physicians in Qatar work in a supportive and collegial environment, where teamwork is highly valued. This creates a positive and supportive workplace culture, which can be especially beneficial for new physicians who are just starting their careers.

Another aspect of our work culture is the importance of building relationships with patients. Physicians are expected to develop strong relationships with their patients, and this is a key component of providing high-quality care. This means taking the time to listen to patients, understand their needs and concerns, and providing compassionate care.

Physicians in Qatar have the chance to work alongside people from all over the world, as the country’s population is made up of a mix of expats and locals. This cultural diversity can make for a rewarding and enriching work environment, as physicians are exposed to different perspectives and ways of life.

Careers at Tadawi Medical Center

Are you a doctor looking for new career opportunities in Qatar? Tadawi Medical Center, one of the leading healthcare providers in the country, is always on the lookout for talented and skilled medical professionals to join our team. With a wide range of medical specialties and services, we offer a unique and dynamic work environment for physicians who are passionate about delivering high-quality healthcare.

If you are interested in exploring career opportunities with us, we invite you to submit your CV to As a progressive and forward-thinking employer, Tadawi Medical Center values diversity, inclusivity, and professional growth. By joining our team, you will have the opportunity to work alongside some of the most skilled and experienced medical professionals in the region, while benefiting from ongoing learning and development opportunities to enhance your skills and advance your career.

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