Amelan peel

A mask for lightening and peeling pigmentation and dark spots, used in dermatology clinics under the supervision of skin doctors.
Due to aging and direct exposure to the sun, dark pigmentation and traces appear on the skin, making most women look for cosmetic treatments designed to hide these effects and restore the skin’s luster, including the Amelan peel.
At Tadawi Medical Center, we offer an Amelan peeling treatment that contains many acids and vitamins that benefit the skin. It shows good and highly effective results in treating most skin problems and giving it freshness and radiance.
What is Amelan peeling?
At Tadawi Medical Center, we offer an Amelan peeling treatment that contains many acids and vitamins that benefit the skin. It shows good and highly effective results in treating most skin problems and giving it freshness and radiance.
What are the benefits of Amelan peeling treatment?
- Addressing hyperpigmentation problems and acne scars.
- Unification of skin color and tanning caused by sunlight.
- Treating melasma and reducing the freckles and dark spots.
- Treatment of pigmentation resulting from hormonal changes in pregnancy.
- Cleansing wide pores and reducing sebum secretions.
- Lighten the color of the elbow, knees, and sensitive areas.
How do you use Amelan?
It is normal for the body to secrete the natural pigment melanin, which is oxidized with the enzyme tyrosinase, which prevents the pigment transfer from the pigment cells to the keratinocytes on the skin, thus limiting the appearance of pigmentation.
Amelan peeling treatment works to combat the pigmentation that appears due to the lack of melanin pigment secretion due to age or constant exposure to the hot sun.
It can be performed at home or in the clinic under the supervision of specialized doctors to get the best results and ensure no side effects on the skin.
Who are the candidates for the Amelan peeling treatment?
- People with hyperpigmentation on the face or body.
- People with melasma, freckles, and sun effects.
- People who are not suitable for chemical peels.
- People who do not have eczema or psoriasis.
- People who are not allergic to aspirin.
Amelan peel before and after procedures
Tips before Amelan peel:
- Apply sunscreen regularly to prevent any burns that hinder the peeling process.
- Do not use cortisone creams in the area to be peeled.
- Taking care of cleaning the skin and following a good care routine.
- Avoid hair removal by traditional methods to avoid dermatitis.
Tips after Amelan peel:
- Do not put any materials on the skin during the first hours of the peeling procedure.
- Do not apply cosmetics a week before the Amelan peeling for the face.
Never wash the treated area with hot water. - Avoid exposure to heat and sunlight for 4 days after the peeling procedure.
- Use the moisturizing creams prescribed by the doctor regularly to get a satisfactory result.
- Do not remove hair from the skin before two weeks of peeling treatment.
- Commitment to applying sunscreen while going out during the day.
When will the results of the Amelan peel appear?
The results of peeling appear after about two weeks of treatment; the dark spots are reduced by 90%, and the skin appears fresher and more glowing; its color is unified and tauter than before, and the result improves with the gradual repetition of the sessions.
What distinguishes the Amelan peel from other peeling methods?
- It has no severe side effects.
- Fits all skin types.
- It can be used at home.
- Fast and good result.
- Its cost is suitable for everyone.
- Stimulates collagen production.
- Reduces signs of aging.
Is an Amelan peeling treatment good for a bikini?
Amelan peel for bikinis is a safe treatment that is used to reunify the color of the sensitive area and reduce darkening.
It is also used to get rid of melasma resulting from pregnancy and childbirth without causing any sensitivity or side effects.
Can you see results after 1 peel?
Yes! Many people can see a significant improvement in skin color after one Amelan peel session. To achieve maximum benefit from skin depigmentation removal from the surface, the patient needs about 4 to 6 light peels spaced over one to two months.
What is the cost of Amelan peeling?
Amelan peeling treatment is characterized by its appropriate cost in clinics, and the cost varies according to the country from which the peeler is imported, the experience and skill of the doctor, and the number of sessions decided by the doctor.