Cervical Smear

Cervical cancer is the 4th commonest cancer in women globally. It caused 342000 deaths in 2020 according to the WHO.
A cervical smear is the only way to check for cervical cancer and prevent it. It’s essential for all women between the ages of 25 and 65. It not only detects atypical cells before progression to cancer but also certain types of Human Papilloma Virus that causes cancer in the cervix so they can be treated before they get a chance to cause cervical cancer.
Between the ages of 25 to 49 you need a cervical smear every 3 years and after the age of 50 you need it every 5 years.
It’s a quick, painless in-office procedure where your doctor takes a sample from your cervix and you get the results within a few days.
Cervical cancer symptoms usually include bleeding after intercourse, bleeding between periods or pelvic pain but symptoms can present late when the disease has already progressed so please ensure you are UpToDate with your cervical smears and book in with your doctor if you need one.