Diagnostic and Surgical Hysteroscopic Procedures

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
Diagnostic hysteroscopy is the procedure used to diagnose several problems related to the uterus and cervix.
Surgical Hysteroscopy
Surgical hysteroscopy It is the next step after a diagnostic hysteroscopy. In this process, surgery is performed to treat the problems found in the diagnostic procedure. Some conditions that can be treated with surgical hysteroscopy, include removal of polyps and fibroids, among others:
- Removal of endometrial or cervical polyps.
- Removal of fibroids.
Endometrial Biopsy
- Removal of the missing intrauterine device.
- Endometrial ablationو it is a very effective treatment against irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding.
Nowadays the trend is to combine diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy in the procedure called see and try. In this way patients are diagnosed and treated in the same procedure that is performed during the intervention.