Prenatal Care

Routine examinations carried out by the specialist throughout pregnancy, in order to maintain the health of the mother and fetus, and to avoid the risks and complications of pregnancy, including physical examinations such as weight measurement, ultrasound examinations, blood and urine tests.
Antenatal checkups are important routine checks that should not be ignored. They are necessary for medical follow-up from the first month of pregnancy, to check on the development of the fetus and to observe both the mother and her baby’s health.
A specialized Gynecologist provides more frequent antenatal appointments to follow-up and care for pregnancy in the last trimester. This indicates the presentation of the baby or different considerations for a safe delivery.
In the Gynecology clinic at Tadawi Medical Center, we offer all the integrated antenatal examination for prenatal care, in addition to the necessary guidance to facilitate delivery.
When should I start prenatal visits?
Many women are take care to visit the antenatal clinic before pregnancy in order to conduct the necessary preconceptional examination to plan pregnancy, especially if she suffers from chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertensive diseases, with the aim of obtaining the necessary antenatal care and advice to reduce the complications, and in return many women She visits the doctor when she learns that she is pregnant. In both cases, a visit to the antenatal clinic is indispensable if the pregnancy is proven to obtain prenatal care.
The doctor will ask the mother a series of questions related to her general health, and the pregnant woman will undergo the necessary medical examinations to ensure her safety and that of the fetus.
The first visit is critical to record basic information and health needs, and from 6 to 9 weeks of pregnancy the fetus size and heart rate are monitored with ultrasound.
And from 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy,screening for genetic and chromosomal abnormalities (blood tests and nuchal thickness measurements).
And in the 20th week of pregnancy, the weight and measurements of the baby are checked, and we perform an ultrasonic anomaly scanning of the fetus.
At 36 weeks, you will visit the prenatal clinic weekly to prepare for the moment of birth and take care of yourself during the postpartum and breastfeeding period.
What does prenatal care include?
1. Physical examination
In antenatal clinics, weight and height are measured and BMI is calculated in order to determine the amount of weight gain needed to maintain a healthy pregnancy. The physical examination also includes a breast examination and a pelvic examination.
2 . Laboratory tests
At your first visit to our Gynecologist during your pregnancy, these following lab tests are often performed.
- Blood test: knowing the blood type of the pregnant woman, testing the status of the rhesus factor (Rh), measuring the level of hemoglobin and check the mother’s immunity status (toxoplasmosis,CMV, Rubella), and detecting exposure to other infections such as hepatitis B, syphilis and gonorrhea.
- Urine examination: a urine sample is taken to ensure that there are no urinary tract infections and immediate treatment, because it increases the likelihood of miscarriage, low birth weight and premature labour.
3. Genetic testing
Conducting a genetic examination to ensure that you or your family do not have genetic disorders puts pregnancy at risk, increases the risk of the mother having a child with genetic problems and is currently dispensing with pre-marriage examination.
4. Cervical examination
During the last weeks of pregnancy, the doctor examines the cervix to estimate its extent and determine the expected time of delivery. The doctor may also examine the cervix to see the position of the fetus and any part of it pressing on the cervix. The doctor may examine even if labor pains begin to see if the cervix is ready for delivery.
What can I expect at my first prenatal visit?
In the first month of pregnancy, the obstetrician sets up a pregnancy and childbirth follow-up program and evaluates the health status of the pregnant woman, through:
- Getting to know the mother’s reproductive history, family history, and surgical history.
- Performing routine physical and laboratory examinations for each pregnant woman.
- Ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.
- Perform a Pap smear.
- Check thyroid hormones levels.
Do you get an ultrasound at the first prenatal visit?
Of course, an ultrasound is definitely done to see the fetus inside the womb to assess your baby’s growth and development and monitor your pregnancy.
The first ultrasound of the fetus is usually done during the first trimester to confirm pregnancy and estimate how far along you are. If your pregnancy continues without complications, the next ultrasound is usually done during the second trimester, when anatomical details are visible to detect fetalabnormalities and birth defects.