Profound (Baby Face)

Treatment for ageing skin, stimulates elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. It improves skin volume by swelling the tissues.
What is Profound treatment?
A treatment used to reduce facial wrinkles, and give the skin freshness and youth.
What are the benefits of Profound injection?
- Getting rid of facial wrinkles and fine lines caused by ageing.
- Moisturising the skin, eliminating its dryness, and improving its elasticity for several months at a time.
- Lightening the skin tone and giving the skin a healthy, natural, consistent colour throughout the face.
- Repairing damaged skin, treating skin slander, and giving it freshness and lustre.
How long does it take to see results from Profound?
The results of profound face injections are visible from the first session after the treatment, and in some cases, it takes between two weeks and three months for them to appear on the skin.
This varies based on the patient’s age, skin condition, and the number of sessions decided by the doctor. The patient’s lifestyle also plays an important role in maintaining and improving the results.
How long does Profound treatment last?
Profound treatment results are long-term, lasting for a period ranging from six months to a year, and this period is affected by the patient’s consumption of alcohol or nicotine and the number of times the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, so doctors recommend a session every 3 months to maintain the result.
Who is a good candidate for Profound?
- Individuals with dull, dry skin.
- Skin that suffers from wrinkles and fine lines
- To treat pigmentation and tighten pores.
Profound injections should not be given to pregnant and breastfeeding women, or to those suffering from immune diseases, chronic kidney diseases, or blood clotting disorders.
Is Profound treatment painful?
Profound skin injections are extremely safe procedures that do not lead to serious complications like plastic surgeries; they are also absolutely painless, and it does not need downtime.
What are the side effects of Profound treatment?
The use of the profound skin treatment does not cause serious complications, but rather leaves only minor side effects that disappear automatically within days, namely:
- Redness and bruising of the skin.
- Slight swelling in the injection areas.
How often should you get Profound?
It is recommended to do a session every two weeks for 6 weeks, and once a month to maintain the results.