Prophy Jet Cleaning

It is an air polishing system that combines air, water, and other substances to remove stains and debris from your teeth, used to clean teeth from residual substances after veneers or braces.
Achieving a bright and attractive smile requires regular cleaning and polishing of the teeth and following a daily dental care routine to get rid of food residues and tartar accumulated between the teeth and gums, in addition to visiting the dentist periodically to maintain mouth health.
At Tadawi Medical Center, we offer you prophy jet dental cleaning to polish and clean teeth using water and sodium bicarbonate powder to remove stains and deposits stuck between the teeth in a strong and fast manner.
What is a prophy jet as a dental treatment?
A modern technology to clean the teeth through a system using a modern device that contains a water tank in which crushed sodium bicarbonate powder is placed.
The device presses the water with the air stream firmly and quickly to clean and polish the teeth and remove pigmentation and sediment from the surface of the teeth as it penetrates the places and fine folds to clean what plankton quickly and effectively.
Is prophy jet safe?
Prophy jet polishing is safer and more effective than traditional tooth polishing equipment, and patients prefer this treatment for several reasons. With the prophy jet, there are no unnerving, buzzing, or vibration sounds.
How long does a prophy cleaning take?
Prophy jet cleaning takes about 30 minutes if your teeth are healthy and clean, but if your dental health is poor and there is a lot of tartar on them, it may take about 60 minutes to clean your teeth.
In general, you will spend less time cleaning your teeth if you keep your mouth healthy.
Is prophy the same as cleaning?
The modern prophy jet air polisher is an alternative to other traditional cleaning techniques. It is recommended by dentists and preferred by most patients for several reasons:
- Works by spraying high-pressure water, unlike other traditional techniques that affect the gums.
- Water and sodium powder are used to remove tartar, while in traditional techniques, the doctor uses bad-tasting abrasive pastes to remove stains and plaque.
- Cleaning does not cause stress or anxiety to the patient because it does not emit annoying drilling sounds or vibration waves, unlike other traditional techniques.
- More effective and safer for removing stains and accumulated tartar, while traditional cleaning techniques cause irritation and swelling in the gums.
What are the prophy jet pros and cons?
Advantages of prophy jet dental cleaning
- Penetration of pockets and deep cavities in the teeth twice as much as regular floss or toothbrush.
- Remove 99.9% of plaque after just 3 seconds of using a prophy jet due to the power of water pressure and easy access to the mouth.
- Reduce gum bleeding by 93% and is suitable for sensitive teeth without squeezing or injuring the gums.
Disadvantages of prophy jet dental cleaning
- Does not replace daily dental cleaning.
- High water pressure may harm the gums and cause sensitivity.
- A prophy jet does not replace a visit to the doctor every 6 months.
Candidates for prophy jet cleaning
- Orthodontic patients.
- Before undergoing dental implant surgery.
- The presence of a permanent or fixed bridge in the mouth.
- When placing crowns in the mouth.
- When suffering from gum disease.
- For those who suffer from dry mouth.
- Smokers especially heavy smokers.