Zoom Whitening
Say goodbye to stained teeth

The latest laser teeth whitening techniques, which are considered the most effective and safe, are performed by specialized cosmetic dentists, with the aim of eliminating pigmentation and yellowing of the teeth caused by drinks or smoking and obtaining a more beautiful appearance.
With time and due to common eating and drinking habits, teeth become yellowish and less white, distorting the appearance of a bright smile. This is where teeth whitening comes along, to obtain white and shiny teeth in a quick session or two.
At Tadawi Medical Center, we offer you safe and effective teeth zoom whitening within a session or two. Under the supervision of expert Dentists and in a dedicated and safe clinic that provides complete care and attention to patients.
What is zoom teeth whitening procedure?
Teeth whitening is a short procedure in which a dentist applies a whitening gel on the teeth, and covers the lips and gums to protect them. This gel consists of hydrogen peroxide within reasonable and safe levels (a maximum of 25%).
After the gel is applied, a specialized machine with Ultraviolet light is directed at the teeth for the time of the session. This UV light penetrates the teeth and makes their color whiter and brighter.
What is the difference between laser and zoom whitening treatment?
There is no significant difference between zoom whitening and laser, both are effective, safe, and painless if done correctly and to individuals without dental sensitivity.
1. Laser teeth whitening
Is the most common technique that many patients resort to because its results appear quickly and last for a long time.
2. Zoom teeth whitening
It differs from laser technology in that it whitens all teeth at once and whitens the teeth by about 8 degrees from the original color.
Who is a good candidate for Zoom whitening?
- People who have healthy, strong teeth that are not a bright white color.
- People who do not suffer from sensitive teeth or gum disease.
Dental teeth whitening tips
- Refrain from eating and drinking for at least an hour, especially drinks containing artificial dyes.
- Refrain from smoking for more than a day after zoom whitening bleach to avoid staining.
- Brush your teeth frequently and floss them to prevent tartar buildup and to get rid of residual particles of food.
- Eat more fruits, vegetables, and natural health.
- Get your routine dental cleaning at the dentist to get rid of accumulated tartar that causes discoloration.
When can I eat after zoom whitening?
For the best results, it’s best to avoid food and drinks that cause stains 48 hours after the zoom whitening. Examples of what to avoid:
- Coffee, tea, soda, and fruit juice, stick to water
- Red or dark sauces
- Dark chocolate, coffee, or tea
- Acidic foods and pickles
Stick to eating chicken, vegetables and fruits that contain potassium, in addition to brushing your teeth well after every meal.
How long is the Zoom whitening session?
The zoom whitening treatment takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes, and it may require several sessions, as determined by the doctor, and based on the condition of the teeth and their need for deep cleaning before whitening.
What are the side effects of zoom whitening?
- Sensitivity due to the heat emanating from the zoom whitening device.
- Tingling sensation during bleaching and it ends once the session is over.
- Non-permanent results that require repeating the process every 3 or 4 months.
- Not suitable for children under the age of 13, pregnant and lactating women.
Are teeth zoom whitening harmful?
Teeth zoom whitening does not cause any serious damage to the teeth, because it contains potassium nitrate and amorphous calcium that protect the teeth from sensitivity as much as possible compared to other types of whitening.
How many shades does zoom whiten?
Zoom whitening is one of the best procedures that whiten teeth up to 8 shades. The beauty of it is that it has effective and long-lasting results. Whitening gives you a bright and attractive smile.
How long does zoom whitening teeth last?
The results of zoom teeth whitening can last for a year or so, but of course according to the person’s dental teeth. It’s important to consider your dentist’s recommendations to avoid restaining your teeth.
How much does it cost to zoom whiten your teeth?
The price of teeth zoom whitening is considered appropriate, it varies based on the condition of the teeth and their current color, and according to the experience of the dentist.